Dormitory, hostel
occupation - contact -
We speak: česky, english, deutsch, po polski
Capacity: 33
2x double bedroom, 1x triple bedroom, 6x four bedroom, possibility of extra beds
May - October: groups (schools) from 6 € with full board
November - April: groups (schools) from 6 € with full board
for others: the price depends on number of people and days of accommodation
The price per bed in the caravan is from 3€/person/night/in the fully occupied caravan.
The price per the caravan is minimum 9€/night (if it is not fully occupied).
The local charge is 5 CZK/person older than 18 years/night.
Prices (out of season):
same as in the season
Boarding:possibility of breakfast, half board or full board.
Sanitary facility:WC, showers and the wash-room are shared, in the building.
Description of the lodgings: The hostel and the car-camping are located in the area of the sport stadium SK Mšeno (500 m from the centre of the town Mšeno), which is the initial gate to the protected landscape area Kokořínsko.
The hostel was rebuilt. Each room has the basic equipment, a fridge and a kettle are available on the floor. The sanitary facility is in the main building - 3x shower-bath, 3x basin, warm water. The apartment has a separate entrance, two bedrooms ? double and four bedroom, one ´s own sanitary facility, a fridge in the room. The part of the hostel and the car-camping is a restaurant with TV (for 40 people), a lounge with a fire place and an eating room for housed guests (for 35 people). In the summer you can sit outside in the terrace and lend a grill for barbeque.
The accommodation is suitable for schools in nature, schools trips, sport concentrations, schoolings, and family recreation as well.
15 - 17 beds in stable caravans - 1 x triple bed, 1 x four bed, 2 x 4 - 5 bed.
The caravans are equipped with a fridge, a cooker, bed-clothes and are connected to electric energy.
Parking: in the car park in the area of the hostel.
From May you can take boarding in the car-camping SK Mšeno, which is situated by the hostel.
Navštivte nové stránky autokempu a ubytování v zařízení SK Mšeno ZDE
Nabídka pro výlety do okolí Mšena
Vzhledem k množícím se vykrádání automobilů a zpoplatnšní parkoviště u Koupaliště nabízí SK Mšeno
Pro cyklisty a turisty v rámci projektu cyklisté vítáni.
Zdarma, možnost parkování vašeho auta po dobu výletu po okolí, v uzavřeném prostoru sportovního areálu SK Mšeno.
Po dojezdu z výletu možnost osprchování v sociálním zařízení SK Mšeno za symbolickou cenu 20.- Kč za osobu.
Možnost stravy a občerstvení v restauraci "Stadion"
aktualizace 01.01.2020
Vážení návštěvníci, těší nás Váš zájem strávit volné chvíle v našem zařízení. Abychom vám mohli splnit Vaše požadavky vzhledem ke změnám v obsazenosti ubytovací kapacity doporučujeme, aby jste nás kontaktovali na uvedeném tefoním čísle nebo e-mailu, kde lze dohodnou cenu za pobyt a stravu a další podmínky Vašeho pobytu. Těšíme se na setkání s Vámi.
Sportovní klub Mšeno
Boleslavská 398
277 35 Mšeno
tel. +420-315693214, +420-607846752
fax +420-315693088